March Diaries 2019: Week 9 Finger Painting

What's new and fun for the past days?


Finger Painting, Srcatchy Art... reconnecting to the things that made me love art as a child and never abandon it again.


My goal is to elevate these to a more fine art level and experience new things by getting out of my comfort zone more and more.


It's a journey into a Myst. Let's see where this will take me. At the same time, it's been a great week to edit and write new chapters of Whisperers and Keepers

Also accepted the challenge and painted my version of Polly and her friends in watercolor of The Swing. Check out the video on my Youtube Channel. 

There are a few art challenges ahead that I have to decided if I'm participating or not.


For now I'm going to explore the finger painting a little more. Waiting for a book to arrive with some techniques from the Brooklyn artist Iris Scott. Can't wait to start making some of the exercises.