Happy New Year

Happy New Year, with lots of health, happiness, creativity and love.


I can't believe 2018 is over, it was so full of every possible color. I made wonderful friends that made social media be so much interesting and fun. No more frustration. We push each other up and become constantly rewarded with the art we create every day. 


I have so many plans for 2019. Short and long goals. 


Longest Goals:

...have the next novel ready to publish next September 2019 and share the process

...publish Never Give Up spring time

...share my already published books with those who don't know me yet.

...create all the art for the game Polly and the Black Ink Doorways


 Short Goals:

...January Polly Doors Watercolor collection

...February Polly Old Masters mash up collection

...Keep up with daily updating social media, instagram and youtube

...Participate in more art challenges



Catalog Site


Amazon store


Instagram Polly challenge Doors

Instagram Sketches Creatures

Instagram Fantasy Art