
How do I deal with artist block?

I don’t believe in artist block. I know by experience that most when this happens I’m just tired. I’m tired of painting or drawing the same theme, of the same routine or technique, of thinking always in the same way, or watching the same part of the canvas every day.

My brain needs novelty, to see, to experience and to be challenged. When I’m tired I need to step back from work and do something else.

There’s no unfailing formula to reveal. I can return back to work after listening to a song, reading a book, watching a show or an animation, mishearing someone… There’s no way to know what will strike me as a lightning, and make me go back to work or create something new.

As artist we need to be inquisitive, persistent and superheroes. Because superheroes:

...draw without purpose.
...paint without expectations.
...create without thinking for how much it will sell, but respect the worth of it
...never think drawing is a waste of time.
...insist in practicing without complain for the rest of their lives.
...never stop learning.
...are truthful to their art.
...draw without chasing other's expectations, but know to balance their style with the client
...are free artists.
...get up in the morning happy
...never quit

... and see an artist block as an opportunity to pursue other mediums and arts.

Many believe they exist somewhere out here and a little inside of us.